How to Help Your Child with Homework

using social media, distance leaning, remote learning

Beccastone spoke with a full-time 7th grade tutor who is also a Social Work Intern at a K-8 school.  Here are her tips  on how to help with homework. I watched many students succeed and many others struggle. I noticed that many students shared one particular struggle: homework. Homework is an important piece of the […]

Hair Care

black hair care

When I had my own little girl I just couldn’t wait for her hair to sprout, not ever thinking she would be almost completely bald until she was a little over a year. Fast forward a few years, after a slow start, she now has a head full of thick hair that continues to change […]

Success and Nothing Less: A Few Words with Bill Keyes

male african american leadership program

Bill Keyes, President of the Institute for Responsible Citizens, sits down with Beccastone to share how they are developing successful leaders of tomorrow. Q: What is the mission of the Institute for Responsible Citizens (I4RC)? A: The Institute for Responsible Citizenship is an intensive leadership program for America’s best and brightest African-American male college students. […]